The App you desire

Three investing tools in one

Jaaims Robo Advisor


Managing your investment risk, market timing and diversification, Jaaims is ready to protect your investments in times of downturn and take advantage when the time is right.

Jaaims managed portfolio

Managed Portfolio

Providing targeted portfolios to the customers’ needs, including our flagship product – The Smart Portfolio. Jaaims provides the next generation of portfolio management where customers have complete control whilst maintaining their liquidity.

Jaaims broker service

Broker Service

We connect with your preferred broker to automate trade execution in accordance with your preset instructions. Plus, Professional subscribers gain access to our full-service offering and are assigned a dedicated account manager.

Jaaims Watchlist

1,000+ global stocks

Trade over 1,000 stocks from around the world using our artificial intelligence algorithm, simplifying stock selection and trade execution.

Trade over 1,000 stocks from around the world using our artificial intelligence algorithm, simplifying stock selection and trade execution.


Automate with one of our integrated Brokers

Our mobile application connects with your online Broker to provide real-time trade execution so you capitalise on every recommendation.

Our mobile application connects with your online Broker to provide real-time trade execution (buy and sell) so you capitalise on every recommendation.

Want to try in demo mode first? Select a Saxo Markets demo account and be up and running in less than two minutes!


Use our sophisticated trading indicators

Improve your investing performance with our powerful indicators that predict market volatility, bullish momentum and when a stock appears undervalued.

Improve your investing performance with our powerful indicators that predict when the market is volatile, shows bullish momentum and when a stock appears undervalued.

No need to spend hours analysing markets and calculating valuations. Jaaims does it all for you every 15 minutes.

Pre-defined Portfolios

Add our portfolios

Create a portfolio from our range of stocks for Jaaims to manage or add one of our pre-defined portfolios including our flagship – Smart Portfolio.

Create a portfolio from our range of stocks for Jaaims to manage or add one of our pre-defined portfolios including our flagship – Smart Portfolio delivering full automation from stock selection to trade execution.

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Access our global market news feeds

Stay up to date with the latest news, opinion and analysis pieces on your favourite stocks. Filter by region and customise what you see.

Stay up to date with the latest news, opinion and analysis pieces on your favourite stocks. Filter by region and customise what you see. Plus, gain access to our research pieces conducted by our in-house analysts.

Market Insights

Market Updates

Why ag stocks are looking attractive

Global food prices spiked to an all-time high in February 2022, jumping 20% year-on-year.

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In the News

Canstar: AI Trading: What Is It & How Is It Used?

Stock picking is tricky, even the experienced trader doesn’t always get it right, that’s where AI technology can help.

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In the News

FinderX: Greenwashing makes ethical investing hard: Here’s how AI can help

Greenwashing is the deceptive art of spending more time and money on marketing eco-credentials than the actual initiatives has reached pandemic proportions.

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In the News

Kalkine Media: How is AI used in investing?

How is AI used in investing? How AI can help people grow their investments and protect their future?

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In the News

Financial Standard: Active versus Passive Investing

Tui Eruera recently joined Financial Standard to talk more about active versus passive investing and how Jaaims uses an active strategy. Watch it here.

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How can I use Jaaims’ ESG tools to build an ethical investment portfolio?

As part of Jaaims 2.0 new features, Jaaims has introduced ESG investing tools.

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